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Author Teresa Ann Peter smiling in a blue shirt at home.

At any given moment,

Teresa Ann Peter might get lost in thought or bounce away in a new direction. Her life is filled with lots of people, places, education, and occupations. She especially loves learning and practicing Christian spiritual formation and sharing it with others.

Now that her children are grown up, Terri is sorting through those experiences and insights and turning the good stuff into children’s picture books—

These are books with imaginative stories aimed to entertain children and refresh parents, heart-warming stories generated by an experienced mother’s love for the next generations, and spiritually rich stories grounded by the author’s relentless pursuit of abundant life with God.

A little more…

It is hard to pin down Terri Peter. She is wiggly and dreamy and chases shiny
things. Once upon a time, she daydreamed about writing books, acting in movies, and
anchoring the daily news.

While she dreamed merrily along, she worked lots of jobs in lots of places, made lots of friends in lots of circles, read lots of books on lots of subjects, and filled lots of journals with lots of thoughts.

In her mid-thirties, she met and married her husband. They settled in the not-so-wild
west, where he entrepreneured in the building trades and she threw herself into fulltime parenting. She did lots of playing, lots of teaching, lots of coaching, lots of adventuring, and took lots of notes.

Then their children grew up.
They moved away.
The nest was empty.
Now what?

Determined not to squander this bittersweet stage in life, Terri took lots of classes,
joined lots of small groups, made lots more friends, and wrote lots of academic papers.
It wasn’t long before it became clear to her that she cared a lot about the world, she
knew lots of stuff, and had lots to say. But how to say it? Knowing her tendency to go on and on when an idea took her fancy, she decided it would be best to say it simple and say it fun.

Say, isn’t that the essence of a children’s picture book?

Terri Peter enjoying a boat ride in Montana